Constipation Definition and Treatment
Constipation is a condition where a person has difficulty passing stools or has infrequent bowel movements. It can cause discomfort and lead to abdominal pain, bloating, and nausea. Causes of constipation can include a low fiber diet, lack of physical activity, certain medications, and medical conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Treatment options include lifestyle changes such as increasing fiber intake, staying hydrated, and exercising regularly, as well as over-the-counter laxatives and prescription medications. To overcome constipation, try the following: 1. Increase fiber intake - Eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. 2. Stay hydrated - Drink plenty of water and other fluids to help soften stools. 3. Exercise regularly - Physical activity can help stimulate bowel movements. 4. Avoid certain foods - Limit processed foods, dairy products, and foods high in fat and sugar. 5. Establish a regular bathroom routine - Try to have a bowel m...